Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back in the USA

I went to the grocery store today and was completely overwhelmed.  It was so big with so many options!  There were thousands of salad dressings and millions of cereals to chose from.  And don't even get me started on the cheeses!  I about pissed my pants just looking at all of the cheeses.  I think I wandered a bit looking fascinated by everything the great Dahl's had to offer.  This is only one of the many things that I am facinated by or confused by or keep trying to do wrong since I have returned to the US.

One thing I can't seem to get used to is putting the toilet paper in the toilet.  You may or may not remember one of my first blogs where I talked about forgetting to ask if I could throw the toilet paper in the toilet and ended up clogging the toilet.  Now I can't seem to remember that I don't have to throw the toilet paper away.  My hand always starts to creep over towards the trash can to throw it away, but I have to remind myself that I need to put it in the toilet.  Perhaps I will get used to it before I leave next week.

I got my car back the day after I got back.  It was really weird driving at first.  Especially going from Iowa City to Ankeny.  I felt like I should be on a bus with at least one crying child.  Not driving myself halfway across the state.  It's been fun though.  I can listen to the music really loud and sing and dance, and I don't have to worry about people looking at me like I am crazy because I am dancing my way down the street.

Although I have been loving seeing my friends and family, and I am enjoying the tasty cheeses available, I do miss Chile.  When I was spending my last couple of days in Mendoza, I was thinking, "I got home in a couple of days."  And then I would remember that I was only going back to Santiago, and I wouldn't be living there anymore.  After being away for a couple of weeks, I loved Santiago again, and I was truly sad to leave last week.  I am already looking forward to the 10 year reunion.  Now I just need to start saving my monies so we won't have to be ballin' on a budget.

PS- I have so many stories and pictures from Argentina, and as soon as I get a chance, I will tell you all about it.  For now, just know that it was an experience, and I loved it.  


  1. Let's make it a 5 year reunion....10 years is tooooo long to wait!!
    ps glad you enjoyed Argentina!!

  2. haha yeah i had a bit of culture shock in the grocery store too. and the toilet paper thing STILL gets me some days, a month down the road. and i keep saying things in spanish. havent driven yet, and probably wont any time soon :( damn being poor and homeless and jobless
    xx jem
