Saturday, February 12, 2011

Less Than a Week Left

So I have spent the last couple of weeks in BFA (that´s Bum Fuck Argentina), and I have so many stories to share.  But I also have lots of photos to go with the stories, so you have to wait until I get back in Santiago de Chile to hear about my two weeks away from civilization and hot showers.  I think there will actually be a series of posts about my experience becuase frankly, it was far to much for one blog post.

It has just hit me (as I sit here checking up on civilization and generally trying to waste another 45 minutes before I can check into my hostel and dump my bags off) that I am going to be back in Iowa in less than a week.  And I can´t believe it.  I am not at all ready to leave South America.  There is too much I haven´t seen and done yet.  (I haven´t even had the opportunity to go up Cerro San Cristobal after the rain!)  Although Santiago was begining to get daunting after not having been able to leave for so long, it feels like I am going home on Monday.

For now, I am super exctied to spend the next couple of days in Mendoza and hang out.  I have decided that I need to just live it up while I am here (and live it up some more when I get back to Santiago before I have to leave.)  And I think it is all going to seem even more fantastic and exhilerating after not having had a hot shower in over a week. 

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