Sunday, January 9, 2011

Santiago a Mil is a Win

Being a poor teacher (after years of being a poor student), I am always looking for free things to do.  Luckily, Santiago has some cool things to offer, especially now that it is summer.  I went to the first performance of Santiago a Mil, and I was blown away at its amazingness.  There was a parade that ended at La Moneda, and then the performance started.  It was called Lluvia de Violines (literally Rain of Violins) and was put on by a French company.  People were performing while suspended in the air like mobiles.  That alone makes this a great performance.  Here is a video of the finale when all the groups joined together in song:

I wish the video could do it justice.  I am excited to go to more of the free performances put on by Santiago a Mil. 

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